Here I collect links to resources that are helpful for those moments when the desire to start designing board games kicks in

Read the Rules: What technical writers can learn from board game design by Matthew Baldwin

A talk from Write The Docs aimed for technical writers but it’s also a good overview of what goes into writing good rules for board games.

Adam in Wales - Board Game Design - YouTube

Adam has a good collection of videos about different aspects of board game design.

ChaosGalaxyTCG - YouTube

ChaosGalaxyTCG is making their own trading card game and shares insights into it along the way.

Pam Walls Game Design - YouTube

Pam is a board game designer who shares vlog-style videos about her journey and has especially good bits about pitching to publishers and getting your game out there.

Tabletop Game Creator’s Codex by Aaron Beadle

A work-in-progress book project by Aaron Beadle that lives in Google Docs and is an effort to collect a lot of good knowledge about board game design into one place.