Here are my goals for 2025 that I discovered as I was thinking back at 2024 and seeing where I wanted to go next. I’m sharing these as part of my focus on learning in public.
Become a better writer
Not a very measurable goal but after last years “Publish 100 pieces” (ended up with ~170), I wanted to focus on quality next. I hope that throughout the year I’ll figure out what this actually means.
Find a job
Unemployment sucks.
Keep communities running
I’m actively working on three communities: Turku ❤️ Frontend, archipylago and Koodiklinikka and I don’t have any massive improvement goals for this year as they all run real nice. So my goal is to keep them up and running and make sure they serve their purpose for their communities.
More good discussions with people
This one I’m most excited about. I want to have more discussions: both in quantity and quality. More in-depth stuff over small talk and surface-level tokens of appreciation.