Using heic-cli:

for i in $(seq -f "%04g" 95 117) 
  do npx heic-cli < "IMG_$i.HEIC" > "$i.png" -f "png"
  heic-cli       convert HEIC image to JPEG or PNG                     [default]
  heic-cli info  see minimum info about each image in the file

  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]
  --format, -f  The output format       [choices: "jpg", "png"] [default: "jpg"]
  --input, -i   The input file to convert, - for stdin            [default: "-"]
  --output, -o  The output file to create, - for stdout           [default: "-"]
  --images, -m  Which images to decode, -1 for all        [array] [default: [0]]

Image conversion tool