Garden of Learning
Dark mode
Light mode
Garden Plan
Communities of Practice
Community Playbook
Hallway track
Principles for running good community surveys
Simple plain text time tracker for community contributions
The Pac-Man Rule
The Snowball Rule
Turku ❤️ Frontend
Board games
1000 Blank White Cards
Design resources for board games
How to choose a starting player
How to claim Pokemon Live Twitch Drops
MTG Bar Cube
MTG Battle box
MTG fan set of Hollow Knight
No More Jockeys
Pokemon TCG
Pokemon TCG Pocket IRL 2 player cube
Set of dice that cannot tie
Solomon Draft Style
Video games
Can we Improve Tutorials for Complex Games
Inverted pyramid of decision making
Meta progression with gradual tutorial in roguelike games
Mirror's Edge on Steam Deck
Patch romhacks
Games for Distributed Teams
Atte's Learning list
Learning in public
My projects
Build a portfolio (talk)
Communities in Marketing (talk)
Communities, networking and developer culture (talk)
Community Sites with Eleventy Global Data Files (talk)
Comparing Version Numbers (talk)
Contemporary Documentation (talk)
Data scraping for beginners (Talk)
Debugging Python (talk)
Love letter for Django (talk)
The most social and loneliest job - being solo developer advocate (talk)
Why developers should write blog posts (talk)
Boost Turku Dropout Academy
From Juhis with Love
My goals for 2025
Syntax Error
Note taking
Cascade planning
Effort-Success-Progress journaling
Interstitial journaling
Record journal entries from command line with jrnl
WRAP review framework
Digital Garden
Digital Gardens in educational context
Note taking
Running notes
Taking notes
Thinking through notes
GUIs are anti-social by Michael Lynch
How to converse online by Manuel Moreale
How to set up your tech writer up for success by Fabrizio Ferri Benedetti
I miss human curation by Cassidy Williams
Introvert's guide to networking in communities by Rhian Davies and Keith Newman
Lab Note 019 Notifications by Alexander Obenauer
Lab notebooks by Sam Bleckley
Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule by Paul Graham
My productivity app is a never-ending txt file by Jeff Huang
Setting up new developers for success by Marijke Luttekes
The art of testing - failing gracefully by Raniz Raneland
The Case of Two Numpads – A Design Detective Story by Antti Mäki
The Stair Step Method of Bootstrapping by Rob Walling
Too much of a good thing - the cost of excess testing by Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya
Use A Work Journal To Recover Focus Faster And Clarify Your Thoughts by Charles Féval
Using a work journal to create design case studies by Tanner Christensen
What Emacs got right, or how I wish modern apps were more like a 50 year old text editor by Daniel de Haas
What I think about when I edit by Eva Parish
Keep Going by Austin Kleon
Refactoring English by Michael Lynch
The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser
Think Python by Allen B. Downey
1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die
Eat This Podcast
Lateral with Tom Scott
Startups for the Rest of Us
The Rest is Entertainment
Three Rules
Shows and Movies
Fall Guy
My old ass
Uncharted (the movie)
'Magic the Gathering' 20 Years, 20 Lessons Learned by Mark Rosewater
Creative exhaust, the power of being open by default, Brad Frost at TEDxGrandviewAve
Exploring the Potential of the Web Speech API in Karaoke by Ana Rodrigues at ffconf 2023
How I got my mom to play through Plants vs. Zombies
How to Write Mini Essays by Nick Milo
Humanizing Your Documentation by Carolyn Stransky
Lessons learned how to leverage your non-technical experience by Nicole Tibaldi
The art of storytelling for developers by Dave Kiss
Why do we still hate tutorials
Git blame a line range
Git cheat sheet by Julia Evans
Ignore whitespace in git blame
List git branches by recent commits
Show git branches in column mode
Use different config files and email addresses in Git based on path
Auto-create folders in Obsidian by using format strings
Copy to Obsidian bookmarklet
Dashed underlines for links to missing notes in Obsidian
Don't strikethrough completed tasks in Obsidian
Prevent Obsidian assets from showing up in Android Gallery
Access the DOM inside an iframe with Javascript
Add delay to requests on input (debounce)
Backup and restore Postgres database
Better git diffs with Jupyter Notebooks
Burn subtitles from str file into video with ffmpeg
Case insensitive autocomplete in bash in Debian
Change output layout for sqlite3
Change VS Code tabs with cmd and number
Clear query input in MariaDB or MySQL client
Combine audio and video files with ffmpeg
Conditional requirements with JSON Schema
Convert 3mf files to STL on command line
Convert structured data formats to each other with d2d
Create filtered RSS feeds with siftRSS
Creating an ESLint plugin
Deduplicate NetNewsWire feeds
Deploy notifications from Netlify with
Detect minimum required Python version for a project
Display data as tables on command line
Download multiple URLs from file with yt-dlp
Edit folder names and filenames with vidir
Enable picture-in-picture mode for VeikkausTV player
Extract Webmention endpoint from website
ffmpeg by example
Find ghost tables in Django without associated models
Find text between two Markdown headings with regular expression
Force empty array into object in json_encode in PHP
Google Forms group and count responses by date
Hide partial line endings in zsh
Improved CSS for Youtube Music
Install ssh key to a server
Install yt-dlp on Raspberry Pi OS
Invoke Javascript debugger on delay
JSONPath cheat sheet
Keep Youtube in full screen when playing a playlist on iOS
Manage dotfiles with GNU Stow
Order of values in CSS shorthands
Parse Youtube playlist into JSON or Markdown
Partial keyword shell search with history-substring-search
Pesky little scripts
Pipe multiple outputs to one in shell
Prevent iTunes from opening when music keys are pressed
Print multiple items one-by-one in Bambu Studio
Print URL after links with CSS
Read and remove EXIF data from images
Reload custom Raycast extension
Send active file path to terminal in VS Code
shell commands Wrapped
Turn HEIC images from iPad to PNG
Using colon command in shell
VS Code in browser with code-server
Working with hexagonal coordinate systems
Advent of Code
Building a digital garden with Obsidian and Quartz
Command Line Interfaces
Content Management Systems
Document your secrets
Heynote - A dedicated scratchpad for developers
iPad and Raspberry Pi setup
Local-first software development
Meta tag checker Lens
Painter's Algorithm
Pride versioning
Programming by Wishful Thinking
Static Site Generators
Terminal applications on MacOS
1000 True Fans
Action leads to motivation
Behavioural Interview Questions
Brag Document
Chance of serendipity
Chatham House Rule
Chesterton's Fence
Code abstractions
Document your projects' evolution
Don't build your castle in other people's kingdom by Chris Zukowski
Explaining it helps you understand it
Four characteristics of good affirmations
How is this the best to happen to me?
How to do absolutely nothing by Barbara Kingsolver
Lemniscate constant
Light the torches of others
Missing semester (MIT)
More readable function calls with named arguments
Office productivity is a pipe dream
Onboarding buddy
Open source is reverse Good Will Hunting
Own your content
Quests, Adventures and Journeys
Remote work does not equal to work from home
Sanding UI
SCARF model of feedback
Shotgun Buffet Talk
Shuffle the Deck
Speaking in conferences
STAR answers
The Cult of Done Manifesto
Third places
Top Ten - self-confidence journaling exercise
Zine folding pattern
IndieWeb Carnival
Blogging platforms
Why developers should blog?
Learning in public
Recent Notes
Mar 01, 2025
Feb 26, 2025
Love letter for Django (talk)
Feb 13, 2025
Feb 13, 2025