There are quite a few interesting options for terminals these days on MacOS.
I use iTerm2 as that was what I learned to use when I got my first Macbook in 2014 and so far nothing has surpassed it.
Then there’s ghostty which is the newest one into the game, published in December 2024. I gave it a quick try but couldn’t get tmux to work so I gave it a pass for now.
Warp got a lot of attention when it came out. For me, the deal breaker was the requirement to have an account that required online connection to log in with. For something so fundamental as a terminal app, that was a hard no for me. Additionally, their hard push for LLM integration didn’t excite me.
Wave Terminal was another one I gave a go for a while. It had some interesting ideas but I quickly learned that all the extra stuff was mostly just distraction and made me slower in an environment where I want to be very snappy.