Docs: HowToBurnSubtitlesIntoVideo – FFmpeg

subtitles filter

Draw subtitles on top of input video using the libass library. This filter requires ffmpeg to be compiled with --enable-libass. See the ​subtitles video filter documentation for more details.

If the subtitle is a separate file called, you can use this command:

ffmpeg -i video.avi -vf out.avi

ass filter

Same as the subtitles filter, except that it doesn’t require libavcodec and libavformat to work. This filter requires ffmpeg to be compiled with --enable-libass. On the other hand, it is limited to ​ASS (Advanced Substation Alpha) subtitles files. See the ​ass video filter documentation for more details.

ffmpeg -i video.avi -vf "ass=subtitle.ass" out.avi