This blog post isn’t just about being promoted or getting raises though. The ideas here have actually been more useful to me to help me reflect on themes in my work, what’s important to me, what I’m learning, and what I’d like to be doing differently. But they’ve definitely helped with promotions!

Get your work recognized: write a brag document by Julia Evans

A Hype Doc is not meant to be a resume, self evaluation or a vision board. Each of those serve their own person, but are different. Instead, a Hype Doc is a living list of your achievements and your accomplishments. You use it to track the small and big impacts that you’ve made.

Hype Yourself! You’re Worth It! | Aashni’s Archives HypeDocs - Celebrate Every Win and Boost Employee Engagement

You are the only person with complete insight into everything you do. You are the person who can most accurately and effectively hype yourself.

Marie Chatfield Rivas | You Are Your Own Best Hype Person

The app idea was something that had been on my mind for a long, long time. Someone shared Julia Evans’ blog post “Get your work recognized: write a brag document” a long time ago, and I loved the idea. I have often started writing my brag documents, but I have always forgotten about them because they have been in forms I don’t use that much, like Google Docs or other similar solutions.

So, I wanted to build an app for that - maybe I’ll remember it better if I see the application icon on my home screen. That remains to be seen, but now I have an app I can use.

How My App Won the 2nd Place in the WWCode App Deploy Hackathon | Eevis Panula, Software Developer

(In addition to keeping your own brag document, advocate for your colleagues!)