Can we Improve Tutorials for Complex Games? - YouTube by Game Maker’s Toolkit

It’s called the Inverted pyramid of decision making. So the idea is that you start the game with one unit and you  make a decision with it and then that opens up a door.‌‌‌‌ Now you can make two decisions. Or you build a second unit. Now you have two units to use. And then you have four and you have eight and you have 16.  

And these decisions like ramp up, so it starts off as a tiny bunch of  decisions and it quickly grows, balloons. And I think that does a great job of getting people engaged. And we had this idea that you had 15  minutes to engage somebody or you’d lose them. - Bruce Shelley in

Splitting the tutorial

Mark talks about how older games (and many complex games still do) often had lots of tutorials at the beginning and then the gameplay after that. He talks about how splitting the tutorial and distributing it intervened into the gameplay.

Players willingness to learn grows as their time investment increases. George Fan of PopCap talks about this in his GDC talk How I got my mom to play through Plants vs. Zombies.

A bar chart with Y axis of Willingness to learn and X axis of time investement. A trend line goes linearly from 0 to top right and bars grow at equal speed other than the very first bar which is way above the trend line and its top portion is greyed out.

Tutorials can also be spread out between parts of an entire campaign.

For compex games, easier difficulty doesn’t need to mean just dumber AI, it could also mean simpler systems which would allow players to learn a bit more as they move forward and progress through the game.

Making learning fun

Kinaesthestic learning is where deep learning occurs by the process of physically doing the task.

Instead of telling players which buttons to press, teach them what they need to achieve and how the systems work to achieve that. It helps players to make those connections themselves and makes learning easier.

Using affordances

Game designers can also leverage things that people already know. Spikes hurt, ice is slippery, coins let you buy things and so on. Mark Rosewater talks about this too in his GDC talk ‘Magic the Gathering’ 20 Years, 20 Lessons Learned by Mark Rosewater, in his lesson #4: make use of piggybacking.

Piggybacking is the “use of pre-existing knowledge to front-load game information to make learning easier”. In Magic the Gathering, the mechanic of “Flying” is intuitive because people already know what flying means.

This also applies to UIs and using icons, although that can be dangerous assumption since not everyone is familiar with all the same iconography.